Friday, November 30, 2012

Best metal of 2012

First, a disclaimer. I've only been a metalhead for about a year now, and I'm still developing my musical tasting and discovering new music. There's also no way I've been able to sit down and listen to every single metal album that has come out this year. All this means that what I have to say probably has very little merit to it. So feel free to completely throw my opinions out the window. Without further ado, here's some of the best metal of 2012:

An Autumn For Crippled Children - Only the Ocean Knows This is quickly becoming one of my favorite albums of recent memory, if only for the insanely beautiful bass sound (the rest of the music is equally as beautiful, I assure you). Bass guitar in metal is often overlooked and dulled down in the mix to the point where you can barely hear it. But on this album, it's as if the bass guitar is functioning as the lead guitar, which is unheard of in most metal (especially black metal). That aside, AAFCC (ridiculous name, I know) has managed to outdo Alcest with this shoegaze-style masterpiece. Phenomenal, breath-taking album.

Be'lakor - Of Breath and Bone Hands down, this is the best melodic death metal album I've ever heard. These Aussies have taken the '90s Gothenburg style of In Flames and At the Gates and perfected it into an hour of thunderous aggression. Every single track, every single note is flawless, unrelenting, and at the same time, a bit melancholy. There's a level of emotional depth (at least, to me) in the melodies that I'm not used to finding in music (metal or otherwise), and it's very moving. Given that this, their third album, is Be'lakor's best one yet, I can't wait to see if they can outdo themselves.

Pallbearer - Sorrow and Extinction I've recently discovered the wonderful world of doom metal: slow, heavy, boulders of music that slowly but powerfully bowl you over as you listen. Throw in some somber, sorrowful lyrics and you have the ingredients for a doom band. In their debut, Pallbearer executed all of those components successfully. Listening, you can't help but sink into the music, which slowly rolls over you, wave after wave and song after song. Damn those were some good metaphors.

Royal Thunder - CVI This band is one of my favorites, and they only have one full-length album to their name. Groovy, heavy, hypnotizing, and with a bit of Southern blues, this doom band from Georgia put out a great album, molding psychedelic influences with bluesy metal riffs that call back a bit of a retro feel. Mlny Parsonz, lead vocals, has a deep, haunting, and powerful voice that glide right along with the music. Imagine The Doors, but heavier and moodier, ready to guide you on your trip.

Woods of Ypres - Woods V: Grey Skies & Electric Light Hey look, more doom! But this time a bit of a different kind of doom: much more melodic and depressing. Pretty much every song is about how depressing life is, how meaningless living is, and how the narrator is ready and willing to die. Some sample song titles: "Death Is Not An Exit" "Kiss My Ashes (Goodbye)" and "Finality." Pretty unhappy stuff. (Fun fact: the lead vocalist died in a car accident shortly before the album was releases, which makes all the references to dying extra resounding). But that's only if the lyrics matter to you. On the other side of things, the rest of the music is faster and more melodic than other doom bands, which paints a very vivid soundscape. A good album to listen to when you're out while it's snowing.

Honorable mentions:

Ash Borer - Cold of Ages Atmospheric black metal of the Cascadian variety. Excellent full-length debut.

Oak Pantheon - From A Whisper Definitely inspired by Agalloch, this band incorporates acoustic, black, and post-metal into a great first album.

Skagos - Anarchic More atmospheric black metal, but this a bit more aligned with AAFCC. Band named after the island from A Song of Ice and Fire, which is rumored to have unicorns and cannibals. (Sadly, neither song is devoted to unicorns or cannibals).

The Sword - Apocryphon Yet more great stoner metal from the fearsome band. Some say they've lost their sound, but I disagree.

Sylosis - Monolith I'm not big onto modern thrash, but this album knocked my socks off.

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