Friday, September 24, 2010

Brother Jed

Have you heard the good news? Brother Jed has. But who is Brother Jed? Brother Jed is a Methodist preacher who visits college campuses nationwide and tries to convince college students to repent and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior. He returned to Indiana University Bloomington, something he has done almost every year for over a decade, this week and I took the opportunity to listen to what he had to say.

Here are some highlights:
  • Humans are not animals, and thus evolution does not concern them.
  • God can perform miracles such as restoring a woman's virginity by physically restoring the hymen. (Video here:
  • Using marijuana for medicinal purposes is ok, but using it and other drugs for recreational benefits constitutes a sin.
  • Likewise, drinking in moderation is ok. But going out and getting drunk is an abuse of alcohol and therefore a sin.
  • Is a self-anointed expert on human sexuality. Explains why anal sex is a sin. (Video here:
  • Would disown his daughter is she admitted she was a lesbian.
  • Adam discovered that Eve didn't have a banana-like thing in between her legs.
  • Carries a staff with a crucifix attached to the top. The staff itself represents Moses and the Old Testament and the crucifix represents Jesus and the New Testament.
  • Some parts of the Bible obviously cannot be taken literally and cannot be applied to society today. But other parts you can.
  • Never answered the repeated question of which version of the Bible he uses.
  • Presumed nearly all college students drink, use recreational drugs, have sex and dishonor their parents by wasting their payed-for education on partying.
This is only a smattering of what he said during the few hours I spent listening to what he had to say. To his credit he does not swear, verbally attack onlookers, promotes violence (though does refer to himself as a "Christian soldier") and patiently tries to answer any questions he is asked.

But at the same time, he refers to gay people as "homos," mocks their sexual orientation as nothing more than a fascination with sex organs, rejects the possibility that he may be wrong and rejects the idea that God and Allah are the same (he does not believe Islam is a continuation of the Judeo-Chrisitian faith).

Does Brother Jed have the right to say these things? Yes, of course he does, and I will defend his right to say them. But his message is wrong. And just because his message is wrong does not mean people should act the way they do towards him. While some remained civil, others shouted profanities, got all up in the face of his 19 year old daughter with profanities and middle fingers and stole his chair.

Regardless of your opinions and views, there is no reason to act this way. Respect your fellow man. I believe Brother Jed is homophobic and intolerant, but rather than treat him rudely, I treated him with courtesy and respect. You do not make yourself look better than him by treating him in a disrespectful manner. Counter his intolerance with your own tolerance.

I'd like to finish with the words of John Lennon:

Imagine there's no Heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

Until next time, Orange Hat Guy

1 comment:

  1. O.H.G. wrote: "You do not make yourself look better than him by treating him in a disrespectful manner. Counter his intolerance with your own tolerance."

    Absolutely! Thank you for bringing Brother Jed's ideas to our attention, and especially for helping our movement by respecting him and treating him courteously despite your disagreement with so much of his message. If I ever meet him in person, I hope I can do the same.
