Monday, February 28, 2011

A Charlie Sheen Rant

Right now (as I write this) Charlie Sheen is on TV saying a whole ton of crazy stuff. And I'm not watching. Purposefully. I don't care about Charlie Sheen's personal life. I don't care that he loves cocaine. I don't care that he loves strippers and porn stars. I. Don't. Care. I'm proud to say I'm ignoring what is being made out to be a disaster/spectacle of an interview on CNN right now. I've never understood the fascination people have with the private lives of celebrities. I don't care if they do a ton of drugs or cheat on their significant others. I don't care who they date, what they wear, what their kids look like, what they did to their hair or any other similar useless bit of information.

Unless they murder someone or it turns out they're a pedophile, I don't care. I'm tired of seeing all this being conveyed as newsworthy by legitimate news organizations. Yeah, I know it gets them ratings and it's what a lot of stupid people want to see, but is it worth sacrificing your credibility as a news outlet? Please give me the news back. You know, the news where they talk about stuff that's actually important. Like what's going on in Libya or Bahrain. Or that protest in Wisconsin. I hear that what's going on in the cheese state is, as Joe Biden might say, a big deal.

But no, I'm stuck with Charlie Sheen. Sorry to rant like this but no one is shutting up about him. If Charlie Sheen wants to act out The Hangover quote about being a one-man wolf pack looking for cocaine and strippers, let him. But please don't put it in the same category as news and report about it day after day. In my mind, and I hope I'm not alone on this, certain media outlets have a responsibility to separate sensational stories such as Charlie Sheen from ones that actually matter and should be considered newsworthy (may I suggest the story about the House GOP proposing a budget plan that would cost 700,000 jobs?). But maybe I'm just a naive idealist.

Until next time, Orange Hat Guy

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