If watched the Super Bowl two weeks ago, you were witness to a truly awful halftime show. I mean spectacularly bad, and in front of over one hundred million people. The Black Eyed Peas, perhaps the most unpopular popular band in the world, took away fifteen minutes of my life I'll never have back in what could only be described as "Tron: The Musical." I don't want this to happen again.
So here are some bands that I think should be considered by the NFL to perform at the next Super Bowl halftime show:
Bon Jovi – I've never really listened to Bon Jovi, but they're one of the biggest rock bands in the world and it's impossible to go to a game in any sport without hearing "Livin On A Prayer." I realize that song gets overplayed, but at least it's rock and connected to sports. The better halftime shows I remember have always had rock bands and I'd like to see the Super Bowl return to that.
Coldplay – They're a favorite of mine and fit the bill of being both popular, talented and can rock. If they can replicate the energy that U2 had when they played the halftime show a decade ago, that'd be fifteen minutes of my time well-spent.
Kanye West – I'm not a lover of hip-hop, but after listening to his last three albums, I'm sold on his talent. However, after seeing how the Black Eyed Peas performed as well as taking into account Kanye's ego, I do worry about how the halftime show might be executed ("Tron: The Musical II: Electric Boogaloo").
Pearl Jam – I love Eddie Vedder and I think Pearl Jam could flourish a big stage like the Super Bowl. When you consider how well other rockers have done recently (Bruce Springsteen and Tom Petty), Pearl Jam could fill their shoes admirably without being considered an aging rock and roll act (The Who and Paul McCartney).
R.E.M. – Michael Stipe and company are just a good rock band. Sure, I have no idea what half their songs are about, but I think it'd be a fantastic sight to see one hundred million people try and sing along to "It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)."
Radiohead – It's the band everyone loves (even those awful hipsters) and they also have a new album coming out this year. But would Thom Yorke care at all about performing at the Super Bowl?
Robert Plant and Jimmy Page – It's probably an extreme long shot, but as a huge Led Zeppelin fan I think it would be amazing to see these two titans reunite. Yet after seeing how poorly The Who did, would the NFL take a chance at another halftime show dud by booking two aging rockers?
Until next time, Orange Hat Guy
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